1.遗传因素,据报道,父母1方得的近视,儿童的近视已经30%,父母两个得有近视,我的近视超过70%,所以遗传因素是近视的一个更重要的因素 – ,特别是那些凭借高近视和病理近视,遗传因素的比例甚至更大。
Myopia is a result of a variety of factors, including the following points:
1. Genetic factors, according to reports, parents – Fangqi’s myopia, children’s myopia have been 30%, parents are two persuaded with myopia, my myopia is more than 70%, so genetic factors are a more important factor in myopia – , Especially those with high myopia and pathological myopia, the proportion of genetic factors is even greater.

2,长期近距离眼睛 – 载荷增加。动物实验和流行病学数据证实,长期紧张的近视家庭作业与近视密切相关。青年眼球处于增长和发展阶段,调整能力强劲,球体的拉伸大,调节和辐射过程在球体的近距离工作期间,使外部肌肉(主要是内部直线抗眼球的肌肉施加一定的压力,并且眼内压也相应地增加。随着调整和辐条逐渐增加的频率和时间,睫状肌和眼睛肌肉往往是高度张力的,巩膜下的长期机械压缩外部肌肉,球形壁逐渐延伸,轴伸长。
2, long-term close range with the eye – an increase in the load. Animal experiments and epidemiological data confirmed that long-term tense myopia homework is closely related to myopia. Youth eyeballs are in the growth and development stage, the adjustment capacity is strong, the stretching of the sphere is large, the adjustment and radiation of the processes during the near-distance work of the sphere, so that the outer muscles (mainly internal straight muscle) against the eyeball Apply a certain pressure, and the intraocular pressure also increases accordingly. As the frequency and time of the adjustment and the spokes gradually increase, ciliary muscle and eye muscles are often at a highly tension, sclera Under the long-term mechanical compression of the outer muscles, the spherical wall gradually extends, and the shaft is elongated.

3, nutritional status: The study found that more sweets will increase myopia. At present, with the improvement of living standards, the sweet baby has gradually increased, which may also promote the cause of myopia, the study found that the appropriate supplemental ilcumin is It can prevent myopia.

The lessons of primary and secondary school students are heavy, excessive use of eye fatigue is the symptoms of many children, how can primary and secondary school students should use their eyes, prevent myopia?
What is the following four suggestions from the director:
1. Note that it is combined with eye work and rest: the so-called work and rest, this specifically refers to the “labor” and “escape” that uses the eye, it is a long time in the near-distance time, our ciliary muscle
Continue harvesting, it will cause tension or even spasm, resulting in eye fatigue and false myopia. For children and adolescents: we use your eyes for close range Labor, solve the method – pay attention to rest, that is, after half an hour, we can look away, let our muscles inside the eyes relax, avoid eyeFatigue and alleviate myopia.
2.合理应用”药物”:我们知道有一种叫做睫状肌麻痹剂复 方托品卡胺的眼药水,可以让我们的睫状肌麻痹,放松,针对
近视的患者以及调节疲劳的患者我们可以在每天的睡前点眼- -次,放松眼内肌肉。
2. Reasonable application “drug”: We know that there is a kind of eye drops called ciliary muscle paralyzed Fangtukamine, which allows us to be paralyzed, relax, targeted
Patients with myopia and patients who regulate fatigue we can look at your eyes before going to bed every day. – times, relax intraocular muscles.
3. Do not exclude eye health exercises: Although there is no confirmation of eye health exercises to delay myopia development, do children can relax the muscles around the eyes
And promote blood circulation, which is still beneficial to alleviate our eye fatigue.
4. More than 4,000: more outdoor activities reduce close to the eye; enjoy more than small TV computers, eat more lutein, eat less sweet food and contain
Fat high food. More – some correct habits, less – some bad habits.


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